Handmade Vintage Rug 8'8 x 12'4


Intricate patterns handwoven by our master Turkish artisans, add meaningful charm to delicate designs bringing them to life on such a larger scale.

Soft, neutral hues of ivory and beige to vibrant jewel tones of emerald, ruby and sapphire, run through abstract, organic, classic, and contemporary motifs of our curated collection of oversized rugs.

Go big or go home!

If you have fallen in love with this rug, we have numbered it HV289.

Our promise to you

- is great design, crafted to high standards, using only good honest and sustainable materials

- trust us to find the best way to ship these to you - safely and conserving materials and $ for you

- supported all along by genuine personal service from our heart to your home

If you have any questions at all, please see our shipping and refunds and exchange policies, drop us an email at hello@sageinteriors.com or free to call us on 833-855-8733.

We are here to help – and want you to love your pieces as much as we do.